31 March 2012

Seventh Generation Response

I received a response from Seventh Generation, regarding my post My Children Are Not Advertising For You.  My apologies for not posting this earlier- I had the worst sinus infection of my life, and many things got left behind.  Bold emphasis and [comments] added by me.

 Response Via Email (Sefton Hirsch)03/05/2012 04:52 PM
Thanks for taking the time to write to us and sharing your thoughts about the Lorax and your recently purchased diapers. I understand your disappointment and respect your opinion. I would like to share the company's statement on our vision of the Lorax.

01 March 2012

My Children Are Not Advertising For You

My open letter to Seventh Generation regarding the incredible hypocrisy of advertising "The Lorax" (Movie) on my son's diapers:

Wow.  I have rarely been this disappointed in a company.  I have a standing order with Amazon to order your diapers as backup to the cloth diapers we use most often.  I was shocked and disgusted to open up the newest package and find MARKETING on the diapers.  I have been using these diapers for 3 and a half years, when my first child was born, and this is the first time I've ever had to return a shipment.  I used to use these diapers as one of the few tools available to help keep my children free from marketing.  If you want to advertise on my children, you will pay money.  If you want to brand my children, you will pay me a LOT of money.

What I consider the worst part is that the Lorax is one of my children's favorite books, and it is about avoiding rampant consumerism that destroys the environment.  Where should the Lorax be advertised?  On cloth diapers.  On sewing and repair kids.  Perhaps even laundry detergent that has zero ecological impact and helps your clothes last longer.  Or, better yet, NOWHERE.  It doesn't help that half or more of these diapers will be used on kids who are too young to be wasting their babyhood and toddlerhood in front of a television or movie screen.  They should be reading books, of which I once would have highly recommended The Lorax.  After all, this movie is rated PG- it isn't even geared toward 2 year olds, and certainly not younger children!