28 July 2011

More Songs: Hello, My Baby!

Isn't it fun how much a toddler can ignore something for years, only to be entranced with it all of a sudden?  I have been singing my version of, "Hello, My Baby" for years, with no real notice from either boy.  However, Jackson just had a naptime where it was the ONLY song he wanted to hear on his way to sleep:

Hello, my baby,
Hello, my honey,
Hello, my ragtime boy.
Send me a kiss by wire,
Baby, my hearts on fire.
If you refuse me,
You'll never lose me,
I'll just be left alone,
So, baby, telephone,
And tell me I'm your mo-o-om!

Don't recognize the song?  Here is the singing frog to jog your memory:  Michigan J. Frog.  It would easily adjust for dads and daughters, and it is my favorite song for when I see one of the boys when they've just woken up.

25 July 2011

Good Music That Kids Might Like

I enjoyed sharing the songs we sing every day (Rock-a-bye Doggie), but there's a whole other world of music we love:  Good music by good musicians that happens to appeal to our kids, as well as great bands who put out albums directed toward kids.

Great songs that are kid friendly:

I'm A Train by Albert Hammond (Thank you, Emily from Rosalie School, for teaching us this song!)
When I Fall by Barenaked Ladies
Bicycle Race by Queen (This video only shows the lyrics- the original video, also on youtube, involves a bunch of naked women riding bicycles)
Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head by BJ Thomas
Iko Iko performed by Dr. John, and performed by Aaron Carter with a composite video of the Aristocats

18 July 2011

Attitudes with Gratitude

When you tell your child to say, "Thank you" what is your motive?  If he says, "Thank you" after being asked, does it change his level of gratitude or appreciation?  Is he just giving lip service or trying to avoid being nagged?  We want our kids to appreciate what is done for them, to express gratitude genuinely.  How can my children grow to be gracious people? 

Every day, I see my boys interact with the world, and it is clear how much I shape that response.  They use their tools on the second hand rocking chair they have seen me fix numerous times.  They fold and stack dish clothes, following my motions as well as they can figure out.  My toddler has even learned to tell the dog to 'get out away', just as I do when I'm frustrated by my crowded space.  They are watching all the time, so what do I want to be teaching them?

04 July 2011

Happiness Can Be a Habit

One year ago this week, we moved from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Boulder, Colorado so my husband could pursue his dream job.  The job has been everything he imagined, and he could not be happier at work.  Also just as expected, it has also been difficult for me, a complete homebody, to meet people and find a community as a stay at home mom. 

I have recently started a local happiness project group based on the work of Gretchen Rubin, author of the book and blog, The Happiness Project.  As part of this group, I will read and explore happiness research (I LOVE that organizations spend money to research this!), and fit it into my life to explore what makes a difference and what doesn't.  I will be trying new things, creating good habits, overriding bad habits, and leaving my comfort zone.  Most importantly, I have already started increasing my happiness by organizing the local group.  I was nervous I would (will!) do something wrong, or no one would show up or be interested, but I did it.  One month later, I have already met some great people who are happy I got the ball rolling.  In fact, now that I've done one proactive thing, it is affecting my day-to-day motivation in many ways- now that I see good things happening, I'm willing to work harder in more ways.