Becoming a mother is full of wonders and wonderful experiences, and I am very happy to know (at least) 5 women who are currently pregnant. What is really, incredibly wonderful is that I am not one of them! I have met women who handled pregnancy beautifully and loved the whole experience. I know others who had first trimester nausea bad enough to need prescription anti-nausea medications. I fell somewhere in between, and I would like to share the comfort measures that helped me through two pregnancies.
First Trimester
Whoever coined the term 'morning sickness' did everyone a disservice: nausea can happen at any time of day, and can be light discomfort to dry heaves or daily vomiting. My experience was generally moderate nausea, similar to spending too much time on amusement park rides, and I never actually vomited apart from the stomach virus I had late in my first pregnancy. Ginger tea and Mint tea were both vital to keeping my stomach in check. When in the car, I would keep a travel mug of hot water and tea bags ready for any in-transit upset tummy.